determine capacity
Which battery suits me?
The energy storage must have sufficient capacity to supply a household with solar power from evening to morning. Batteries often have one large inverter (for example 5000 watts) while your home only needs a fraction of that 90% of the time. Because inverters perform best at maximum power, a lot of energy is lost with these large inverters.
The plug-in home battery with 2.7 kWh storage and 800 W inverter power is ideal for households with a consumption and return capacity of up to 2000 kWh. With a storage capacity of 2.7 to 5.4 kWh, 80% of all households can be provided with their daily energy needs and is perfect for supplying all devices in the home with power during the night.
Advantages of the plug-in home battery:
- No high installation boxes; the battery can be placed in an existing socket
- No demolition or demolition work required
- The home battery fits in any space due to its small size
- Can be connected to any existing solar panel system
- Works independently of an energy supplier
- Immediately less dependent on the energy grid, prevent feed-in penalties or nettingFor medium-sized and large consumers among homes, you can make do with 10 kWh or the more expensive separate systems are available.